Writing a Graduate CV: A Guide

Written by Luke Kitchen

When you are applying for graduate jobs, CV writing is an important skill to be able to do. A CV is your first point of contact with a potential employer. It should be well-written and eye-catching to capture the attention of prospective employers. To write an effective CV, you need to know what information to include, how long it should be, and what size font should be used for each section, so make sure you do some research before you begin. 

CV stands for “curriculum vitae”, which means “the course of my life.” A CV is a document that provides information about your education and employment history in chronological order. It’s often one of the first things employers will see when they review your application, so it’s essential you get it right; this article will guide you through the writing process.  

Tailor Your CV

Graduate CVs should always be tailored to a specific position. It’s important that your CV is relevant and it shows employers why they need to hire you. Tailoring your CV means highlighting achievements, positions of responsibility and qualities which relate directly to the job in question.  

Highlight Experience 

When writing your CV, it’s important to emphasise any experience you have relevant to the position you are applying for. This could include internships, part-time jobs, or voluntary work. If you have no directly related experience, try highlighting transferable skills which may be applicable, many of which you will have gained while at university. 

Provide Evidence  

When you list experience or qualifications on your CV, it’s essential to back them up with evidence. This could be in the form of a reference letter, contact details for previous employers, or academic transcripts. If you don’t have any evidence to support your claims, the employer may doubt their validity. A good way to provide evidence in your CV is by using the ‘STAR’ technique, which stands for ‘situation’ ‘task’ ‘action’ ‘result’.  

Be Clear

When writing your graduate CV, it is crucial that you are clear and concise with the information you give to make sure employers aren’t left with any questions over your suitability for the role. You also need to make sure the document is well set out and easy to read; this is more likely to make employers want to read your application.  

Use Active Verbs

It is important to use active verbs when writing your CV, as it gives the CV a more powerful and direct tone. They also help demonstrate strong skills or abilities which may be relevant for the position you are applying for.  

Check Your Accuracy 

Spelling mistakes and grammar errors can leave employers unimpressed with your CV, so it’s important to make sure you proofread your CV several times before sending it off. If possible, ask a friend or family member to read through the CV and check for mistakes. 

You can use our CV template for more help writing your graduate CV. You can find out what opportunities are available to you on our jobs board. Alternatively, contact us with any additional queries. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated with all of the latest news and information from Developing a Student. 

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Last Updated: Tuesday July 19 2022
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